联: unite; join机: machine; engine工: worker; workman; the working ...件: piece; article; item工 会 联 盟: etuc成 批 工 件: batch job联 机 服 务: on-line system成 批 工 件 服 务: batch service工 件 控 制 程 序: job control procedure工 件 控 制 语 言: job control language联: Ⅰ动词(联结; 联合) unite; join 关联 be connected; be related; 三联单 triplicate formⅡ名词(对联) antithetical couplet 挽联 elegiac couplet; scroll of condolence; 春联 new year [spring festival] couplets工: Ⅰ名词1.(工人和工人阶级) worker; workman; the working class 技工 skilled workers; 矿工 miners; 青工 young worker2.(工作; 生产劳动) work; labour 做工 do manual labour; 上工 go to work; 既省料又省工 save both material and labour; 这事很费工。 it requires a lot of hard work.3.(工程) project; engineering 动工 start [begin] a project; 竣工 complete a project4.(工业) industry 化工 chemical industry; 工交系统 industry and communications5.(一个劳动日的工作) man-day; working-day 这项工作需要多少个工? how many man-days will it take to complete this project?6.(技术和技术修养) craftsmanship; skill 手工 handicraft; 做工 workmanship; acting7.(民乐音阶上的一级, 乐谱上用做记音符号, 相当于简谱的“3”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 3 in numbered musical notationⅡ动词(长于; 善于) be good at; be versed in; be expert in 工于此道 be good at this kind of work; 工诗善画 be well versed in poetry and paintingⅢ形容词(精巧; 精致) exquisite; delicate 工细 fine; ingenious运营总段(主管总段内运、机、工、电等工作): general division件: Ⅰ量词(用于个体事物) piece; article; item 三件行李 three pieces of luggage; 一件衬衫 a shirt; 一件工作 a piece of work; a job; 一件事 a matter; a thingⅡ名词1.(指可以一一计算的事物) 案件 (law) case; 锻件 forged piece; forging; 工件 workpiece2.(文件) letter; correspondence; paper; document 急件 urgent document or dispatch; 来件 a communication, document, etc. received; 密件 confidential [classified] documents; secret papers机: machineenginefc联: f.c. united of manchester联…酰: di...(o)yl; di...yl涡轮(机);透平(机): turbine包裹;件: pkg package; pkg.---------------package件(复数): pcs pieces件,每件: ea(each)块,件: piece冷拉(件): cold drawing一片,件: piece溢装…件: over shipped…packages; packages